Man up turret truck Or VNA

We offer RTITB accredited operator training and instruction from fully qualified RTITB instructors and examiners who are able to carry out training to the legal requirements of the HEALTH and SAFETY at WORK act 1974 (HaSaW act 1974).

Man up turret truck Or VNA

About the truck you'll be trained to use

A man up/down turret truck, sometimes known as a VNA (Very Narrow Aisle) forklift, is specifically designed for operating in small, narrow aisle spaces. It allows the operator to be lifted up to get a clear view of the handling process. This increases accuracy and handling times per task. A turret forklift is ideal for an industry with high volume handling applications – they are the fastest option when it comes to load handling per hour.


Course Title

  • Novice (1 Trainees)
  • Experienced (1 Trainees)
  • Refresher (1 Trainees)


  • 4
  • 2
  • 1


  • 27.5
  • 15
  • 7


  • 1
  • 1
  • 1


  • 1
  • 1
  • 1


  • 1
  • 1
  • 1


This operator training course will give you the skills to operate the truck safely and efficiently, carry out a pre-use inspection, and recall and explain the causes of truck and load instability.

Loading, Unloading, Reversing....